Family Christmas Eve 12/24/18

I am just going to take a moment to brag about my family! 
FYI - I know these photos are amazing because our makeup, hair, and outfits are bomb! Let me explain. Long story short we dressed up as 2008 Kardashians for Christmas Eve and it was will notice that some of us turned out better than others! 

When I am with my family I am 100% myself. They bring out the best parts of me and I don't know what I would do without them. This journey will be a challenge due to the distance between us. Yes, I am self-sufficient, crave my alone time, disagree with them from time to time, love being independent, and need my space. But, I also call my mother at least once a month (more lately! ) crying over something, recently health issues. She just always seems to know the answer, probably because she has been through everything and more! 

She is the foundation to this family and she is what keeps it solid to the core. Over the course of years and me entering adulthood she has become my best friend, my girlfriend, my therapist, my confidant, and more. I know she worries about me and would keep me within arms reach if possible at all times. Okay...not at all times because we need our breaks from time to time. (insert smiley face here!) One of my biggest joys in life is is helping her smile and being the reason she can't breathe because she is laughing too hard. Ask her about 'The Wizard' the next time you see her. I don't know anyone that can make her laugh like I can. And I don't even care if that sounds conceited...because it is true. (boss stance) 

I tell you what sisters can be the biggest treasure or the cause of reliving teenage angst within 10 minute increments. It's hard to explain the bond between us. You can be so upset with each other that you are to the point of changing her name in your phone and then she texts you 10 minutes later and you are at the movies together just so you can get some popcorn and watch that new Marvel movie. And everything is fine. Until she uses your chapstick one more time while she is sick. It's almost like you know they can't go literally whatever you do to them they have to stick around so then you do things just because you know you can get away with it. Sometimes it is just fun to make each other upset and then make up and go to Peddlers Mall together and sip on your sweet teas as you  dig through peoples crap and try on crazy hats. I would do anything for these two including telling them the truth about their make-up, borrowing a shirt I never plan to return, or helping them type a text novel to someone they are in a fight with. I wouldn't know what life would be like as an only child or without 2 best friends you can LITERALLY tell anything too or show anything too...there may be judgement and then some laughter...or a plan to help clean up your mess. Sisters are the true ride or dies. 


Then there is Daniel or Dan Dan. Daniel was just meant to be with us. I have been so lucky to have him as a male role model and as a best friend the past couple of years. When Daniel and mom started dating I don't remember us second guessing or asking a lot of questions. (Madre may tell you a different story) I just remember thinking well...this is Daniel, he is quiet but he is supportive, understanding, thoughtful, and deals with us! So, he is perfect! Everything just fell into place naturally and I enjoy our Hefty + Ringo Adventures. I have gotten to experience some of the most amazing things through Daniels eyes. It is very interesting to have experiences with someone when it is their first time, it helps you notice the beauty in something you have seen before or helps you stay grateful. I have gotten to re-experience a 7 day cruise to Belize, Honduras, & another small island, The French Quarter which included beignets, hurricane, and grenades, the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, first airplane ride, the beach! It has been amazing and I have been so grateful to be apart of these experiences with Daniel. I am grateful that he is willing share these moments and memories. He has been so patient and kind with all of us. Cause it can get emotional and trying...let me tell you, I don't know how one man does it around all of us. He even enjoys our sense of humor and plays along with us. 
Daniels outfit for Xmas '18. He was Scott (insert crying laughing face)

He loves his girlfriend, Juno! 
Of course, this is not my entire family. I am blessed to have a very large extended family and double blessed that they all get along and love each other. I feel that we were all 'made' (however you believe 'made' happens) with room for extra love in our hearts and minds. That is how we are able to have this huge extended family and are able to give ourselves to others and open our homes up to others. The family is so giving, accepting, understanding, and warm. Our goal is to ensure that everyone around us feels welcome and comfortable at all times. And I love that about everyone in the family! 

Now in this post I have only wrote about 1 quarter of the family. No one get upset (I know family is reading this or will read this. Because you are so sweet and supportive!) This doesn't mean you aren't part of my idea of family or I am mad at you. (insert kissy face here) I just had a great Christmas Eve at Madre house which prompted this post. I am attempting to right more frequently and in hopes write shorter blogs. But, you see where that got me! I just needed to get these feelings out. No family is perfect and we are still growing and evolving. There are ups and downs but when you do it together life is so much better! Also included in our family and Christmas festivities this weekend were Brooke & James and Whitney! Photos to soon as someone sends me the pictures I asked for 3 hours ago. ;) (good example of sister guilt there!)

Love the Hefty-Ringo-Kardashian Clan! 
