Keeping up with Social Media is...? Fill in the blank! And check out where else you can find me! 7/29/2021

I know I missed last week but I just felt like there was not a lot to update you on...although plenty happened. 

I just feel fatigued from 'sharing' right now. And maybe I am trying to do too much with social media. Here is what I am currently doing.

  1. Keeping Instagram up to date, maybe 3 posts a week. But, that means taking authentic and meaningful photos. Coming up with informative captions that help people. Using the right Hashtags and researching them. Keeping up with the Instagram algorithm. Participating and hosting Live videos. Liking and commenting...and on and on it goes. 
  2. Keeping up with my Facebook group so my friends and family know what's going on! 
  3. Updating my blog once a week. Which isn't much but it takes a lot of time to carve out time to sit down and write...and get the juices flowing! Then, to add photos. Post to social media. And for some reason my views last week really dropped! When I started the blog in 2019 every post was getting about 100 views. Last week I got 16! So wondering if people are still reading? Either way, I do find that this is the most positive and therapeutic hobby for me! 
  4. I've started posting a YouTube video every week. This started out as a project for someone I mentor but once I started making and editing videos I could not stop. I do the videos and blog mainly as something for me to look back on..Like a living breathing diary...but the videos probably take on average 5 hours a week. 
Not to mention I'm still working 35 hours a week, trying to work out...not being very successful. Make time for Charlie. Nurture my relationship with Gregory. And still have fun on the road. 

Everything is great! Just feeling a little overwhelmed...and I know I am in control of my rules and expectations.  I just wonder why I feel the need to do all of this? Anyone have any good coping skills? 

So, this week I will post links and videos of all of my updates! Check them out! 

My first Q&A LIVE by myself on Instagram! This is an hour long! You do not need a Instagram account to view! 

My Interview with Lisa from on Instagram. She is a Digital Nomad and Life Coach that helps people transition from the 9-5 grind to a location independent lifestyle. This one is a really good one to watch if you only have 45 minutes! 

The most recent Live is with @connectingthruniki on Instagram. She is a solo Fulltime RVer and we have become Road Sisters! This one is over an hour long but very informative! We talk about living on the road solo and partnered, black tanks, traveling with pets, finding work, and much more! Plus, we play a fun game could 'Would you Rather' but RV style!

Last but not least I do have a YouTube Channel. You do not need a YouTube account to view. My name is Adventures of Cara Ostara & King Crusader and you can find us at the below link! See a sample of a video below and some screenshots! 

If you have made it this far! Let me know your thoughts! If you are still reading the blog please leave me a  comment below so I know! Just curious to see if the entries I am providing or entertaining or educational?

And if not, maybe I just write in my diary! Ha! Everyone have a great week!! 


  1. Wow! Way too busy for me. Remember to take time to stop and smell the roses

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! I just left one comment but I don't think it saved! So trying this again! We are headed to the beach this week so I will take your advice and stop and smell the salt and sea!! <3 Much love!!

  2. Love reading your updates. The videos are great !!

    1. Thank you so much for commenting and reading!!

  3. Love reading your journey and have learned a lot! Miss you tons! :)

    1. Hi, the comment did not save your name but thank you for reading and for commenting! You are awesome, miss you!

  4. Thanks for resending the link via email, I too have been reading the updates and viewing the videos.

    1. I repay appreciate that you reached out via Email and you have stayed connected for so long! This is awesome! We will stay in touch! Thank you for continuing to read and comment!


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