Arizona - The Land of Ambitious Women 3/6/19

I just want to take a minute and go back in time. To the recent past! Like I am talking a week ago and maybe three weeks ago. I am official dedicating Arizona as the land of Ambitious women. In the past month I have spent some quality time with 4 amazing women in Arizona. Each of these women have completely different backgrounds, ages, stories, ethnicities, goals, and futures. And I am so blessed to be a part of their lives if only in a small way! In the time that I have spent with each of them I have learned so much and learned so many different things. One of my goals this year was to connect with others, people that were like minded and people that were not. I believe that you learn more from people that you haven nothing in common with. Although some of those conversations with the ‘different’ people may be challenging or hard to understand I promise if you go in with an open mind you will come away with something valuable. We are not al the same, we are not all right, and we are ALL going in different directions. But, that is what makes Earth a special place. There is no ‘right way’ to live life or to find yourself and your happiness. You have to figure this out on your own through self exploration, world exploration, keeping an open mind, and giving yourself grace. I also believe in this movement for women to build each other up and to support each other. Obviously, I feel strongly about my fellow women but I also feel strongly and appreciate our men. We need to spend more time helping each other and looking at the positive versus looking at our differences. Build women up, build men up, build gays up, build latinos up, build nomads up, build millennials up, whatever, just be kind and patient. For me…I am still working on building up ‘close drivers’ that seem to think the closer they get to my TOAD the faster I will go. That’s a negative ghost rider. I keep attempting to stay patient with your bright blaring headlights in my mirrors and your erratic swerving to see if you can get around me but I still have a lot of work to do with you. Advice: Just go around me already or slow down, do the speed limit, and enjoy the view. Ha! Okay, done with that!
Lets just start with the women in order!

Tabitha is a woman that has healing powers of the mind and soul. If you can let the walls of your ego crumble down and use words to describe your fears, desires, motivations, and goals she can help direct you through the maze in your head. Our relationship is less than a year old and yet she knows about some of my deepest thoughts and more vulnerable moments. Saying this, I believe that she is a giver and needs time to take some things back for herself. Them to recharge and time to soak up the magical powers of the desert. Yes, I do believe that the desert, nature, and silence have some sort of healing powers. This state is a retreat for her and many, I believe. And now I understand why! In February it was sunny, 58 degrees and no humidity! Traffic is manageable, sunsets are outrages, farmers markets are all over the place, and people tend to move slower. We had the ability to eat meals together, exercise together, and connect. I saw enjoyed my time with her and her family while in Arizona. She has created a business from scratch and in the process helped many, many people. At the same time she is aware of how important it is to take care of self and does not apologize for that. Tabitha has made me a stronger person and opened doors in my mind I was unable to see. I appreciate her strength, her mind, her encouragement, and guidance. Many do not know but this individual has had a large impact on my recent ‘present’ and I think she has changed my life for the better.
Morgan…Where do I start with Morgan? This relationship goes way back. Like…she has seen me do some embarrassing shit. There is no other way to say it…I have danced to Soulja Boy (is that how he spelled it, probably not?) in her bed room, I caught poison ivy from playing man hunt in her yard, pretty sure she has seen me throw up while out celebrating her birthday, and she’s seen some of my worst goalie moments on the soccer field. And yet, here we were…10 years later!! In Arizona hiking on a 15 mile journey in the McDowell Mountains having no clue where we were going. I have also seen her beautiful new apartment in Tempe and met her huge cat, Kitty. BTW…you can follow him on Instagram @kittystephens_ He has amazing adventures and gives great life advice. While we are on the subject. You can follow his human companion…Morgan on Instagram @the.desert.babe Also highly recommend! She blogs, vlogs, posts, everything?! Specifically on beauty, hair, life, adventures, etc. I need those hair extensions she has! Ugh so beautiful! And such cute style, one day I am going to try the things she wears. It will probably be an upper fail considering her style could look different on a 6ft giant but whatever. You won’t know unless you try right?! Morgan was the first to leave the nest out of our High School crew. Which might I just add was a shock! In our circle it seemed that all of us would stay in Kentucky the rest of our lives. Like the month we graduated people had already gotten engaged, had a kid, gotten married, started a job at Ford, etc. I just don’t know if it was ever in our goals to leave or if we wanted to or even if we thought it was possible? I won’t speak on behalf of Morgan but those are just my thoughts. Then, one day she moved to St. George, Utah! I remember thinking, ‘Hmm, that is interesting, I wonder why she moved there, why did she move away at all, That must have been hard, especially moving away from family and starting a life somewhere else. Especially being so young…blah blah.’ And then my brain said, ‘Dang, that’s awesome, what courage it must have taken to pack those boxes into a car and just go, follow a dream, and do it all on your own…what strength and faith!’ I am very proud of Morgan, she was one of the first people I thought of when I started planning out my journey. Here was a real person that I had grown up around that made the leap…I can do it too. Since moving away I believe that she has grown so much as a person and as a woman. And she continues to grow and seek out knowledge, opportunities, and experiences. After over a year in St. George she has now moved to Tempe, AZ. (Which is a place I personally love) other than the parking situation with the RV. :insert laughing cry face: I couldn’t deal with that constantly, like I would have to live on the outskirts of town. Morgan loves the work that she does which also deals with helping people and healing them. She runs a very successful business, has turned herself into a business, is an amazing blogger, and over all an awesome human being. We may not see each other frequently but Morgan is one of those people…like once you are in her heart and circle you never leave. You could go 3 years without seeing each other and then on a random Wednesday in Tempe end up curling up on her couch, drinking coffee, and watching the rain pour down the windows. I appreciate and love this women for her ambition, her strength to move across the US, the ability to be her own backbone, and the ability to stay focused on her career and goals! Don’t forget to keep up with her on Instagram & !!!

Kristi is a force to be reckoned with. Kristi entered my circle at an interesting time of my life. Which was just recently! In August and September my mind set and life goals started to change and manifest into what my life is currently. At the time I had a therapist, life coach, financial analyst and a worried family who were all trying to help me make my dream come true. At this time I had just finished my road trip from San Francisco to Mexico, had my last grandpa pass away, and was really struggling at work. During these few crucial weeks someone said to me. ‘You already know what to do. You have to quit. Maybe sell everything also, get an RV, and go explore the world.’ After that statement I couldn’t go back and I couldn’t keep my mind from wondering. Something had to happen. Enter Kristi. Of course, I was scrolling through social media…wasting time…and I came across a post of hers. She had just sold her home and was hitting the road! She had left her job, sold most of her things, got in her car with her pup, and was just going to take off! Of course, there was more to it than that but you get the point. And Kristi was a real life person! I had been following her, she lived in the same city, the same state, hung out with the some circle of people, and she was honest in her post. I thought wow, I was meant to see this! I must reach out to her and connect. A few days later we had a phone conversation and shared our stories with each other. It definitely gave me hope that what I was thinking of doing and what I was feeling was possible and not COMPLETELY crazy. She wasn’t some Instagram influencer, she wasn’t some Facebook model (she could be), she wasn’t some self-help coach trying to make a buck…she was a real person. And I appreciate that about her. Fast forward to January and I am contacting her to let her know I am in Buckeye, AZ and we should meet up! Of course, we did! I got to introduce her to the dogs and give her a very short tour of the RV and then we went to a hot air balloon glow…that never happened, I might add. The hot air balloon glow at least. We showed up, paid for parking, paid to get in, and then due to high winds (that were like 10 MPH) the balloons never went up and never glew (yes, I just made that up) Kristi was a good sport about it…better than me! Ha! I appreciate her patience and ability to turn any situation into a positive one. We ended up having MIcheladas and walking around in the cold wind for a little bit hoping for some miracle to happen. I enjoyed the time we had to update each other on what had happened in our lives recently…the struggles and the positives. From speaking with Kristi it sounds like she had really found ‘her place’ in Arizona. She was at peace, was dedicating time to self, and improving self so that she can help others in return! I am going to add that she is in great shape and training to become a personal trainer. She not only focuses on working out but eating healthy and over all well being. She is very motivational, well spoken, and knows fitness inside and out. If you need a fitness guru keep your eye on her because she is going places. She is very active on facebook, you can check out her group THE R.EVOL.T at

Angel…I am going to use this name 1. Because that is what she is…and her husband. 2. I didn’t ask for permission to use her real name. And I just like to be respectful. (UPDATE: Since I started writing this, I got permission to share her name...not going to change every Angel though because I think this is also fitting :) )This individual does not have a large social media presence or one that I know of Ha! But, boy does she have a real life presence! Angel is the mother of one of my very best friends! When I told my girlfriend and her husband (which I also consider a best friend) that I was visiting Arizona they insisted that I go visit her parents. Insisted. I thought, ‘Okay, I hear you…everyone says that, go visit my family, but do they really mean it? What if it is awkward, what if I wear out my welcome, etc’ Let me just say…eliminate doubt from your life and mind. Get over it, and stop doubting. Life is so much better if you just jump into situations and keep a positive mind set. Like, what does doubt do for you other than stress you out. Any who. Guess what…my campsite at Skyline Regional Park was 13 minutes away from her parents! So…I had to go. I LOVE THEMMMM…I am going to use Angel and Pyro. Because she is an Angel and he is a ball of energy that never stops. I officially have family in Arizona and I want to visit them all the time. The first weekend I spent time with them I spent hours and days at their house. I am not kidding. They fed me multiple home made breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. I took showers, charged electronics, watched TV, gossiped, did laundry. Like literally moved in. They are both the most welcoming, warm, and generous people I have met in a long time. The moment I walked into their home I felt that it was also my home. The first time I left their home I did not leave empty handed, I had food for a week and enough bread to last me 400 miles on the road! Talk about spoiled. I was so excited to open up to them and share my life with them. They came to my ‘home on wheels’ at the camp ground, helped me walk the dogs, & hooked me up with some special gifts. Okay, things I learned from Angel & Pyro. I feel that Angel and Pyro are successful with love. Loving themselves, loving each other, loving God, loving their children, and grand children, and loving strangers. I believe they love their passions like cooking and helping others (Pyro is a nurse) they love hard work and they love life. Angel & Pyro have been married 30+ years, have 2 children and 2 grand children. They have mastered being partners and enjoying life. They find joy in giving and joy in pleasing others. In my mind they are role models on how to work hard, stay dedicated, take care of your partner, and have a strong faith. I can say I truly feel like part of their family and they are a special part of my life and my journey. Not only because I adore their daughter and son in law but because of the love they showed me in Arizona. I am so excited to visit them again, keep them updated, and check in on them!

Every day I attempt to think or say what I am grateful for (thanks Kristi!) and I am grateful for the opportunity to cross paths with all of the amazing people during my journey but especially the Ambitious Women of Arizona!
Who are you grateful for? Who should you be grateful for? Who do you think you influence? Take a moment and think about these answers or write them down. Keep in mind that for every person that is inspiring you…that you are inspiring or touching someone else. My advice is to stay aware of this, stay aware of self, and stay appreciative!

Kristi is a force to be reckoned with. Kristi entered my circle at an interesting time of my life. Which was just recently! In August and September my mind set and life goals started to change and manifest into what my life is currently. At the time I had a therapist, life coach, financial analyst and a worried family who were all trying to help me make my dream come true. At this time I had just finished my road trip from San Francisco to Mexico, had my last grandpa pass away, and was really struggling at work. During these few crucial weeks someone said to me. ‘You already know what to do. You have to quit. Maybe sell everything also, get an RV, and go explore the world.’ After that statement I couldn’t go back and I couldn’t keep my mind from wondering. Something had to happen. Enter Kristi. Of course, I was scrolling through social media…wasting time…and I came across a post of hers. She had just sold her home and was hitting the road! She had left her job, sold most of her things, got in her car with her pup, and was just going to take off! Of course, there was more to it than that but you get the point. And Kristi was a real life person! I had been following her, she lived in the same city, the same state, hung out with the some circle of people, and she was honest in her post. I thought wow, I was meant to see this! I must reach out to her and connect. A few days later we had a phone conversation and shared our stories with each other. It definitely gave me hope that what I was thinking of doing and what I was feeling was possible and not COMPLETELY crazy. She wasn’t some Instagram influencer, she wasn’t some Facebook model (she could be), she wasn’t some self-help coach trying to make a buck…she was a real person. And I appreciate that about her. Fast forward to January and I am contacting her to let her know I am in Buckeye, AZ and we should meet up! Of course, we did! I got to introduce her to the dogs and give her a very short tour of the RV and then we went to a hot air balloon glow…that never happened, I might add. The hot air balloon glow at least. We showed up, paid for parking, paid to get in, and then due to high winds (that were like 10 MPH) the balloons never went up and never glew (yes, I just made that up) Kristi was a good sport about it…better than me! Ha! I appreciate her patience and ability to turn any situation into a positive one. We ended up having MIcheladas and walking around in the cold wind for a little bit hoping for some miracle to happen. I enjoyed the time we had to update each other on what had happened in our lives recently…the struggles and the positives. From speaking with Kristi it sounds like she had really found ‘her place’ in Arizona. She was at peace, was dedicating time to self, and improving self so that she can help others in return! I am going to add that she is in great shape and training to become a personal trainer. She not only focuses on working out but eating healthy and over all well being. She is very motivational, well spoken, and knows fitness inside and out. If you need a fitness guru keep your eye on her because she is going places. She is very active on facebook, you can check out her group THE R.EVOL.T at
Angel Allie

Angel…I am going to use this name 1. Because that is what she is…and her husband. 2. I didn’t ask for permission to use her real name. And I just like to be respectful. (UPDATE: Since I started writing this, I got permission to share her name...not going to change every Angel though because I think this is also fitting :) )This individual does not have a large social media presence or one that I know of Ha! But, boy does she have a real life presence! Angel is the mother of one of my very best friends! When I told my girlfriend and her husband (which I also consider a best friend) that I was visiting Arizona they insisted that I go visit her parents. Insisted. I thought, ‘Okay, I hear you…everyone says that, go visit my family, but do they really mean it? What if it is awkward, what if I wear out my welcome, etc’ Let me just say…eliminate doubt from your life and mind. Get over it, and stop doubting. Life is so much better if you just jump into situations and keep a positive mind set. Like, what does doubt do for you other than stress you out. Any who. Guess what…my campsite at Skyline Regional Park was 13 minutes away from her parents! So…I had to go. I LOVE THEMMMM…I am going to use Angel and Pyro. Because she is an Angel and he is a ball of energy that never stops. I officially have family in Arizona and I want to visit them all the time. The first weekend I spent time with them I spent hours and days at their house. I am not kidding. They fed me multiple home made breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. I took showers, charged electronics, watched TV, gossiped, did laundry. Like literally moved in. They are both the most welcoming, warm, and generous people I have met in a long time. The moment I walked into their home I felt that it was also my home. The first time I left their home I did not leave empty handed, I had food for a week and enough bread to last me 400 miles on the road! Talk about spoiled. I was so excited to open up to them and share my life with them. They came to my ‘home on wheels’ at the camp ground, helped me walk the dogs, & hooked me up with some special gifts. Okay, things I learned from Angel & Pyro. I feel that Angel and Pyro are successful with love. Loving themselves, loving each other, loving God, loving their children, and grand children, and loving strangers. I believe they love their passions like cooking and helping others (Pyro is a nurse) they love hard work and they love life. Angel & Pyro have been married 30+ years, have 2 children and 2 grand children. They have mastered being partners and enjoying life. They find joy in giving and joy in pleasing others. In my mind they are role models on how to work hard, stay dedicated, take care of your partner, and have a strong faith. I can say I truly feel like part of their family and they are a special part of my life and my journey. Not only because I adore their daughter and son in law but because of the love they showed me in Arizona. I am so excited to visit them again, keep them updated, and check in on them!

Every day I attempt to think or say what I am grateful for (thanks Kristi!) and I am grateful for the opportunity to cross paths with all of the amazing people during my journey but especially the Ambitious Women of Arizona!
Who are you grateful for? Who should you be grateful for? Who do you think you influence? Take a moment and think about these answers or write them down. Keep in mind that for every person that is inspiring you…that you are inspiring or touching someone else. My advice is to stay aware of this, stay aware of self, and stay appreciative!
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