Back on the road & already in Alabama! 5/14/19
I'm Back! Back on the road that is! Talk about an emotional and sometimes literal roller coaster today was. My mind was as rough as these roads. This morning I took off for Gulf Shores, Alabama after spending 6 wonderful, restful, trying, exhausting, and loving weeks at home in Kentucky.
I last updated you when I was camping in Manatee Springs State park, Florida. Since then I have traveled from Orlando to Miami to Key West and then back up to St. Augustine, Tybee Island, and to Kentucky. My boyfriend, Shaun purchased a home in Shepherdsville while I had been traveling so I returned to KY not only to spend some much needed time with him but also to see my parents, sisters, friends, and large support group! While I was stationary I also;
- Volunteered with 2 different organizations.
- Helped turned the new house into a home.
- Developed & printed my first photography artwork in the form of business cards, post cards, and magnets.
- Applied for government healthcare...still a work in progress.
- Completed my taxes which could have been a disaster.
- Updated all licenses, tags, and insurance on myself and vehicles.
- All vehicles entered maintenance shops and came out looking like new! Almost.
- Almost finished Game of Thrones.
- Watched 15 episodes of Shameless...
Plus, I was able to meet with everyone on my list. I am so thankful for my huge support group of friends and family, I enjoyed my time with all of you. Your kind words, encouragement, and patience means the world to me.
I won't lie...leaving again was hard. So hard that my original 4 week plan turned into 6 weeks and before I knew it I was running out of time again. This is not only a journey of the road but a journey of the mind...a journey for purpose and meaning. Sometimes, I get lost. I forget my purpose, my original goal, my original wants and desires. It's so easy to get wrapped up in things when you get to your home base, to a routine, or to old habits. At some point I may feel like writing about my time at home but for now I will leave it at that. I want to continue to be clear that one of my goals is to never sugar coat my journey or put a filter on it. Especially on my blog. Just because you quit your job and live in a van down by the river doesn't mean all of your problems and issues go away. You have to continue to work on your self, admit fault, discover root causes to your feelings, and be willing to change your habits. Full time travel is work, keeping yourself grounded and focused is work, and having plans change constantly and adjust to them is work. Not every day is me sitting on the edge of a waterfall with a butterfly in my palm. :insert laughing cry face: Okay now I am going to far with it! Can we say, someone needs a nap? Ha! Me!! Me!!
I guess I am just on self first. Figure out what the root of your insecurity, restlessness, inability to manage stress, whatever...figure out what is causing that and then make adjustments. Take every day in stride, take notes or journal how you are feeling, and give yourself grace. And last but not least please do not spend time scrolling through Instagram (and dreaming) looking at all the colorful filtered lives that look so perfect in pictures. 99% of the time it isn't what it seems. People are creative and I give them credit for that. Heck I'm creative on Instagram...its one second in time, one square snap shot. What I look up to is the people that show the work that went into that 'perfect' moment and especially the people that show the real moments! Because that is what life is, life is real. Life can be gloomy, your face will get oily after driving all day, the dogs or kids will misbehave, you'll eat to many french fries after that drive thru run, and then go to bed without washing your face!
Kind of like my day today...and that's okay. Considering my oily face, dirty feet, messy hair, and shedding dogs my day was still a success! Why you ask? Well I passed a mile stone today!
Today I drove 630 miles! In one day! I took:
- Leaving Shepherdsville at 8:30 AM.
- 4 pit stops which the dogs had to get out every time.
- Feeding the dogs in the front yard of a motel surrounded by true drivers.
- 11 active hours on the road.
- 3 Gas stops.
- 1 Cup of coffee.
- 1 Sweet Tea.
- 4 bottles of water.
- $300 in gas...
- And 1 crick in the neck.
I arrived at my campsite in Gulf Shores, AL at 9:20 PM Central time and I couldn't be happier. Well, you know. As happy as one can be after that much driving! With an average speed of 62 MPH driving your 24 ft home and dragging your 1999're ready for a nap!
Saying that, I am off to bed. With the windows open, fan blowing, and dinosaurs snoring 3 feet away from me! What bliss! Night!
What a rock and roll day you had. Enjoy your beach day! Love you!