August Update - Part 2 - The first time I've/We've considered going back to stationary life
August Update - Part 2
Stationary Life - I've caught myself fantasizing about this. Land...possibly in the middle of nowhere. Some grass. A covered porch with a breeze. A small home with wood floors that creak. Looking out my kitchen window while the coffee brews. Charlie roams freely around the property and explores new sounds and bugs. Gregory working on projects and talking about solar panels. Ha. A safe place. A place to build from the ground up, that's ours. Together. A home that doesn't go through an earthquake weekly. We would have glass cups and pictures on the walls of our adventures together. Family and friends would join us and talk about how crazy we are to liven the road full time and now how crazy we are to live in the middle of no where and have a self sustaining home.
I'm thinking a couple of acres off grid. Which would be a lot of hard work. We would have to run off of solar and/or wind power. Tank in our water, have alternative septic, save money by building and installing a lot by ourselves. Have a garden! Grow tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, berries, and flowers! Walk around naked if we want! Be as loud as we want.
I'm getting carried away. And I realize this is a fantasy. Which is fine. But, it sounds nice. To have consistency. To have security. To not have to worry about leveling our home, praying our slide out comes in when we need to leave, not having neighbors right outside our window, and to let Charlie roam free.
I'll be honest I think the main reason I am feeling this way right now (about stationary life) is because of what the world is going through together. Some of you will not agree with me, and that is fine. I love you all the same and hope that you will respect me the same. I am really struggling with the pandemic. (As we all are) At first both of us did a great job with following all the rules. We questioned the rules and we were slightly annoyed but at the beginning no one really knew what was going on. So, we wore our masks, quarantined, stayed away from anyone that was higher risk. The elderly, young infants, families with pre-existing medical conditions. Respected everyone's wishes. There was family and some friends we had to cancel plans to visit because they weren't comfortable. We totally get it. We adjusted, just like everyone else!
Now that time has gone on, the world has moved on. At one point it felt like for a month of two the world almost forgot about the virus. We almost did. But, we continued to do our research about the virus, hell we even got it! We survived, it wasn't a fun week. But, we made it! It's a shame that the world even has to go through this. The sickness, the fear, the deaths. It's painful. But, this is out of our control. And it is a part of life. The flu, cancer, natural disasters, war, and the list goes on and on of things trying to kill humans every single day. So Gregory and I decided we have to keep living. We have to respect the wishes of others and their lifestyle choices by also standing up for ours.
Thank goodness we are of a 'healthy' age, still able bodied. We take care of ourselves the best we can with sunshine, water, organic and whole foods, exercise, laughter, love, exploration, continuous education, and the list goes on. Some of this is within our control and some of this is because we live a privileged life. Being able to have these choices and being able to make these decisions. Having the freedom and money.
Saying this we are now struggling with the mandates. And this is where a lot of my discomfort comes from and why going stationary on our own land sounds better and better.
I am struggling with the fear and shame the news, media, television, government, big tech, big Pharma, and 'big brother' are spreading. We as a people are being torn apart. It's black or white. You are with us or you are a super spreader. The shots have come out. And we must take them. But, we have decided not to yet. Gregory and I have opted to wait and because of that, our lifestyle has changed. We no longer go in public as often. Restaurants, farmers markets, flea markets, shopping, bars, etc. Anything that is indoor or 'congested' that mandates masks or vaccine passports we do not visit. Which is our choice. And working well for us currently. My fear is it will get worse for those that are opting out of getting the shot right now.
I have questions. I need answers. I am not getting a shot for a free donut or to be able to go to a concert. I worked for YEARS to get off of prescription drugs. I was on Paxil for YEARS. Started at 17. 17 years old. And I was dependent on a drug. I've had Accutane in my body, Paxil, birth control, antibiotics, the list goes on and on and on. I've been 'clean' for 4 years now. I am proud to say my body is not dependent on drugs that mask the issue or root cause. I use water, vitamins, the sun, food, and natural remedies to fix my body and help my body and nurture my body. You know the only people that have had an issue with that? The doctors and pharmacies that no longer make money off of me. Thats it.
So, why would I go run for a shot? When I am not sick? Or for a sickness that I have had and beat? Like the flu? Why are we being bribed and now threatened to get a shot? Just questions. So, I wait. And because I wait and ask questions there are a lot of things I can no longer do in society. The fear is that the restrictions will get worse. Will I need a vaccine passport to fly home to Kentucky? Will I need a vaccine passport to cross state lines? Will I need a vaccine passport to walk into the grocery store? Will I need a vaccine passport to renew my license or buy a home? It sounds crazy. But, here we are.
This fear and reality is heightened while we are in Oregon. As this state along with Washington and California are requiring vaccine passports for restaurants, arenas, concerts casinos, bars, etc. So it is in your face more. We are reminded every day of the freedoms we have lost because we won't get a shot. Of course there is more to the story, there are 10 other sides, and 100 reasons to get the shot and 'do what you are told.' But, I'm not going to get into that. Just explaining why I have the primal need and rush to legally have our own land to go 'home' too and feel 'safe' at. Where we don't feel judged, labeled, or like the black sheep of society. We can be free on our land. Come as you are.
I will be clear that I am not anti-vaccine or anti-medicine. I am however anti-mandate and pro-
medical freedom.
So this is what I am working on. Investing in land. Purchasing it with cash. Staying healthy naturally. Respecting others and their wishes. Being kind and generous. Sending out love and light. Letting others know they are not alone. Telling my truth and prepared for the love or the fall out.
Updates to come on the land's looking good!
All information above is my opinion and personal thought on my personal blog. It is not meant to offend. This is my escape, my creativity, my diary.
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