Being Brave - New Mexico to Oklahoma 1/28/19

Cadillac Ranch - Route 66, Texas

Today I drove from Albuquerque, NM to Elk City, TX. After a few gas stops the milage was over 440, about $160 in gas, and 9 hours in the drivers seat.

Weather: 37 degrees and gloomy
Location: Elk City Park - FREE and has electric hookups! 
Food: The Blue Sky in TX, delicious burger!
Chibi: Pooped outside - 0. Pooped inside in bed - 1. 
Charlie: Does not like cows.
Frustrating moment: Being unable to unhook the car from the RV when I arrived at my campsite. Of course, it is dark, cold, and scary. I am the only RV here, a weird car was hanging out in the corner, and it took me 11 minutes to hammer the rod out of the tow bar. I finally got them separated but after a small panic attack. 
Funniest moment: Charlie wanted to go see the Cadillac cars with me which are laid out in a field. The cars share the field with a herd of cute cows. Or so you think. The cows let us get all the way to the cars, take our photos, play around, and then let us get about half way back. All this time I did not notice that the cows had come closer to us! Charlie noticed when I noticed and then we both got nervous. These suckers decided they did not want us there and charged after us! For a few seconds I had legit fear as I was running as fast as I could out of the field. Charlie was practically dragging me with her leash and ran so fast under the fence I think she slid on her belly! Mean while I am jumping over the fence and in turn almost strangling her! You just know everyone from the highway got a good view! 

Needless to say today was overall a good day. It had its challenges. The random snow storm, blistering wind, Midway Point Cafe was closed on Route 66, and struggling with the car at the campsite. But, I need to call out all the positive things. 

I am grateful! I woke up healthy, had a filling breakfast, was able to fill up my gas tank, the girls slept most of the day, I drove on Route 66, saw 2 road side attractions, had a delicious dinner, found a campsite with power for free, and have a huge support system. 

Tomorrow I will take off early and land somewhere in Arkansas! Positive vibes for my journey and yours. :) Enjoy todays photos! 

Half way from LA to Chicago! Around 1,100 miles!
FYI: They close at 2:00 PM..Central time. This is also when the snow really starts to pick up! 

When your dogs are over taken photos with you.
And so are you...

I'm over pictures alreadyyyy...
Mom can we please get out of here before he cows get us?!?!
