Let me start this by saying - There are a lot of ups and downs living and traveling full time in your RV! Some of you may have already assumed that or you've talked with me recently and are well aware of my 'down' moments! Living in your RV does not make your worries and stress go away, you literally cannot run away from worry and stress. What you can do is modify how you worry or stress or change what you are obsessing about. Then evaluate if that worry and stress is worth it. For instance.
In the last chapter of my life I had worry and stress over the following things -
- What will my end year review look like?
- What is Amazon stock doing?
- Great...it's work calling...who harassed someone now?
- Great...it's a work e-mail. Oh, and now I have 1 day to get this report done.
- Metrics are suffering, how do I even come up with a plan to fix this?
- Someone just quit their job again, better start writing a 4 page e-mail to my boss.
- I haven't seen my family in 2 weeks, I'm the worse daughter.
- I'd love to nap right now but I will feel guilty.
- I have to build a new fence because I've been neglecting Charlie and she's acting out.
- What am I doing with my life?
- What is my purpose?
- Whats going on with the photography company?
- I really do need to clean.
- I'm putting on weight!
- Ahhh...I think I'll just take a nap!
Sounds pretty typical right? -or- maybe not. That's okay! But, here are some things I worry or stress over now.
- Is this parking lot big enough for me to turn around in without unhooking the car?
- Are their other dogs close to the camp site?
- Will my holding tanks freeze tonight?
- Am I going to fit under this bridge?
- Did Chibi just shit in the RV...again?
- Should I get my oil changed?
- I need to work on my budget.
- have I relaxed enough yet? Should I start looking for ways to make money?
- I HATE this tow bar...why can it never work with me and just give me my car?!
- Why are these people on the sidewalk looking at me? Am I not going to make this turn?
- Showing up late and in the dark at state parks...never fun.
- Should I take a shower in the RV tonight or find a place to hook up too?
It goes on and on. So, see...I didn't run away from the 'roots' I just changed them. I will say.
I will take RV stress over past life stress any day
Every time I FINALLY get the car unhooked from the tow bar, every time I wake up and watch a different sunrise, every time I watch Chibi & Charlie gallup around a new field, and every time I conquer a stressful situation (like a boss) I am filled with the most satisfying and joyful emotions that I could cry. (And usually I do, but happy tears) Like...look at me! I did it and I'll do it again and again! Just watch me.
Okay, enough of that! Basically, that all comes from my stressful drive and night in Hot Springs, AR. It was a challenge but I made it and I will know better next time! After my worry and stress I had the most rewarding morning in the city of Hot Springs. Incase you ever visit in a RV the Visitor Center has RV parking, right in the middle of downtown! For Free! You can park there until 10:00 PM. On a cold Wednesday morning in January it was very quiet on the streets and in the bath houses. Everything was in half a mile radius and I spent about 3.5 hours away from the dogs with no issues. I walked up and down Bath House row which includes 9 historic bath houses (some you can still use) shops, and food. I can see how this would be very busy in the fall or spring! There are only about 7 RV spots so I would get there early. After walking around in the 35 degree weather I visited a bath house. For $20.99 which includes tax you can soak in public baths that are filled with natural mineral water. I highly recommend it! The bath houses were built in the 30's and some still have the same layout and design. My bath house had 5 pools in a large room. There were about 10 other people in the room and cell phones are not allowed...or I would have more pictures! I tried to get away with this but the bath attendant finally came over and literally took my phone from me...
It forced me to relax, float, and stretch. I relaxed for about an hour although you could stay until 5:30 PM. The pools ranged for 98 degrees to 105 degrees, some had little water falls, and some had showers. You also get to sip on cold mineral water so you are being healed from the inside and outside! I loved it! After you are finished bathing you shower off, bundle up, and then head back outside to explore. There are public out door springs that allow you to gather water all over the city! I put 4 gallons of mineral water in my holding tank and also filled up 4 water jugs. I highly suggest this! The water comes out hot so let it cool before drinking. Chibi found out the hard way after trying to drink straight from the stream. I probably shouldn't have let her either but I wanted to know what would happen! After our water gathering we packed up and headed back on the road! 270+ miles today to Jackson, TN. Which isn't bad considering we didn't start driving until 2:00 PM central time. So, here I am in a Walmart parking lot with 5 other rigs in 15 degree weather blogging and trying to keep warm! I'd say this is a pretty good end to a challenging night and awesome day! Enjoy the photos below!

1st bath house on the street. |
Cooling Room for ladies only. This starts the self guided tour in the free museum. |
Every bath room had its own attendant that would assist the bather. |
A steamer or contraption in the mens wing. |
It's me! Wishing I was in a hot shower! |
Beautiful ceiling in a original bath house. |
The mens dressing room. |
Creepy me again! This time in a mirror! |
Make sure you read the description! |
An outdoor spring! |
It was so cold! |
I love when the dogs get to explore with me...Chibi doesn't like anything..especially selfies! |
Beautiful artwork! |
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