6 Months on the Road - Then & Now 06/29/19
It's hard to believe I've already spent 6 months on this new journey. Actually, let's look at the specifics. My last day at work was November 30th, 2018, I officially sold my home and moved into the RV on January 8th, 2019 and my first road trip was January 15th, 2019. (The dates are close enough, hehe!) At this point I have taken 3 tours of the U.S. Not including my shake down to the south! By tours I mean I have drove the RV out of Kentucky and visited other states. My first tour was a shorter drive, about 2-3 weeks. I drove out West and made it to Fountain Hills, AZ & back. Of course, I stopped along the way and spent most of my time on Route 66. My second tour was 29 days with my youngest sister, an additional 2 weeks by myself and a then a week with Shaun. Cassi & I took a northern route through Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona, and we were headed to LA. This was also the same time the winter storm was blowing through and we spent the first two weeks in below freezing temps, snow, gloom, and anxiety. Cassi and I learned a lot about ourselves and each other on that trip. After our lowest point in Salton Sea, CA things took a turn for the better. The sun came out, the clouds parted, and we started to give each other a break! The next two weeks in Joshua Tree, San Diego, and all the way back to Alabama were amazing! 29 days later Cassi flew home and I spent almost two weeks by myself. After a month of stimulation, no alone time, compromise, & constant connection I now had no one. For the first time since I started my journey I experienced loneliness, depression, and fear for three days! I did blog about this, you can read more in the February Archives called 'The day I wanted to go home.' After writing about my feelings of fear and depression I was able to get back on my feet, dust myself off, and move on. Once again things improved and I had one of the most peaceful experiences at Manatee Springs State Park, Fl. I then was lucky enough to have Shaun fly into Orlando and spend a week with me. We drove down to Key West and then all the way back to Kentucky together! After my second tour I spent a month at home in Kentucky. Reconnecting with Shaun, family, and friends. I volunteered, worked on my 'brand' by making post cards and business cards, worked on the RV, and created the plan for tour #3. I am still on tour #3! As I type this I am sitting in a campground in Lake Tahoe. My third tour started May 14th. So I was in Kentucky a little longer than a month, ha! I can't believe I've only been on the road for 46 days, it feels a lot longer than that, which is a good thing! This trip I have traveled a lone except for 4 days when Shaun flew into Phoenix. (My mom flies in on July 4th! So excited!) In this entry I've included photos of all my friends I've met on tour #3...so far. Which includes some oldies too. :) I love all of you! <3
Shaun, My baby and one of my biggest supporters...behind momma hefty haha |
By the end of my 3rd tour I will have:
- Visited new states which includes Oregon, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Kansas & Montana.
- Visited more national Parks! Sequoia National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Guadalupe Mountain National Park, Yosemite National Park, Mono Lakes National Landmarks, Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, & Yellow Stone National Park!
- I'm glad I invested in my National Park Pass/America The Beautiful card! For $80 you get an annual card that allows you into any national park, lands, monument for free! This card paid for itself during my 3rd National Park visit considering it can cost up to $35 to get into Yosemite!
- Drove over 19,000 Miles!
- Spent $1,800 on RV and Honda repairs
- Been featured on 3 blogs/websites!
- Thedesertbabe.com
- This website is run by Morgan...Skin Care professional, Fashionista, Traveler, Soccer Enthusiast, Blogger, Great Friend, & Supporter! You have to check out her website and instagram at @thedesertbabe
- keepwomxnwild.com
- KEEP WOMXN WILD is an organization of womxn living full time nomadic lifestyles. This group of adventure seeking undomesticated individuals wanted to be part of a project that helped to support and uplift the female community both on and off the road no matter how they identify. What we want: A safe space to speak your truth. A space to share stories, connect & support womxn both on and off the road. A space to inspire, uplift and even raise funds for both grown and young womxn. A space for womxn to remember before we were domesticated, we were always WILD.
- Project Vagrant - https://www.projectvagrant.com/blog/2019/06/22/how-to-live-your-dreams-advice-from-real-nomads/
- This blog is run by a recently married travel couple that has completely renovated their van into their new home! You can also follow them on Instagram at @projectvagrant
Differences from Then & Now?
My journey thus far has been magical. I would say this third tour has been my favorite. I am no longer in the learning and storming stage. I am not sure that the word 'stable' should ever be used in a full time travel lifestyle. But, I will say I am confident, knowledgable, & I never expect the expected or unexpected. So, in that sense I feel like I am in a more productive and 'awake' stage.
- My first few months:
- Every other day I would drive 400+ miles.
- Average day at a campsite- 2 days.
- Average meals eaten out weekly- 7
- Days spent worrying about RV repairs, breakdowns, worst case scenarios, etc- Every day. These things never happened but I would worry constantly.
- Average active days (hiking, finding farmers markets, chasing sunsets, biking, etc) - Every day I wasn't driving!
- Average wake up time- 5:30/6:00 AM
- Average bed time - 9:00 PM
Take a moment to let that sink in. I was so excited and I felt that time was going to go by so fast. I felt that I had to fully utilize every moment on the road. I just went and went and went. If I wasn't driving the RV to a new destination, I was driving the Honda around the new city and finding things to do. I would want to eat at the local restaurant, hike the best trail, take photos of every sunset, try the local winery, visiting every national monument....go! go! go! When I was driving I would watch Youtube videos and Ted talks about FULL TIME TRAVEL & what to do next once I was in park! ha! Talk about obsessed! But, I was right...time is flying.
I wouldn't do anything different because I believe everything happens for a reason. But, I feel that I did miss opportunities to connect with locals, their culture, and really enjoy my destinations because I was moving so quickly in my first few months.
- What has changed?
- My average day of driving is 200 miles. LOVE! I spend max 5 hours driving the RV on drive days.
- Average day at a campsite - 5 days.
- Average meals eaten out weekly - 4. I've enjoyed making food at home and spending more time with the dogs while I'm working in the kitchen and they are sniffing behind me. :)
- Days spent worrying about RV repairs, breakdowns, worst case scenarios, etc - Every other day. Thats an improvement, right? I have had 1 breakdown, 4 repairs, and 1 worst case scenario. So, I've actually had legit reasons to worry (A little) but I've also worked on meditating and purposeful thinking these last few months.
- Average active days - Every other day. I have wore myself out! For example: I've been in Tahoe for 4 days now and I've had 3 active days and 1 slow day...which is today.
- I've already gone to pancake breakfast, visited the neighbors, walked the dogs three times, swept and mopped the floors, completed laundry, and working on a blog post. BUT, I'm not going on a hike or exploring! I just want to sit at this RV all day! Which I do have a little bit of guilt for just 'sitting here' all day. I feel like I should be out doing something, seeing something, shooting something (camera). Why do we do that to ourselves? Guilt trip ourselves? This is something else I am working on!
- Average wake up time - 7:30/8:00 AM The dogs are getting lazier too!
- Average bed time: 11:30/12:00 AM
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Morgan! |
Honesty time!
- I thought that by now I would know what I would want to do for the rest of my life! WRONG.
- I thought I would have found my passion or career. WRONG
- I thought I would have found an online community or RV 'group' in real life...kind of wrong but I am working on that! See blog posts above. :)
- I thought that by now I would be vegan and have abs...bhahahahahaha let's just take a moment to laugh at this. I do stretch and I do have stretchy yoga pants! And I do eat more salads now...with bacon and cheese in them. Sigh. So much for turning into a completely different person. -eye roll-
Part of me would love to report different facts to you. But, it is what it is. For every goal I've made for myself and not accomplished there have been adventures, experiences, and moments that have come to light that I could have never imagined! And heck, I still have 6 months to life left! Whats the rush!
Until next time!
This is Ms Beverly! She's a gem I met in Orange County, CA |
My Coulterville family! |
Coulterville Mom! |
Oh....Yoda! |
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