Made it to Silver Creek, WA & I have a new YouTube video! 6/17/21


You guys! I almost missed this week...already. Week 3 and I almost missed it! Ahhh

But, you know what? I am here now! So the last time I posted was last Monday and it was a trip down memory lane and dedicated to a important person! This week probably will not be as sentimental or emotional or long! 

A lot has happen in 10 days. We have moved twice! Last weekend we parked on a neighborhood street and I forgot to take a picture for you all, shoot! Well, just imagine for a second. We stayed in McMinnville, OR by Gregory's oldest sister. The main drag of the neighbor hood was wide enough for maybe 3 cars. So we took up 1.5 cars width and parked as close to the side walk as we could. We had no hookups and had to keep the slide outs in. It worked perfectly as we were only 2 houses away from his sister, it was safe, free, and level. The weather was good enough to not run the AC (of course it rained) But, Charlie could stay nice and dry inside. 

I got to meet a large chunk of Gregory's family which was awesome! 2 sisters, 3 brothers, 8+ nieces and nephews, and many friends! Wish we could have stayed longer with the family but Sunday afternoon we were back on the road! 

This week we have been parked in Silver Creek, WA at a Thousand Trails park called 'Paradise.' I tell you what. It didn't feel like Paradise when we arrived. Washington is still pretty closed up and frozen by the pandemic. So check in was touchless, we were informed of some new rules because of the pandemic, and that a lot of amenities were closed or restricted. It didn't help that it was cloudy dark and the rain came in sheets. It would calm down and then return. About an hour after setting up we were informed that the park water system ran off a well system...and it was DRY. Completely dry. So, silly us we showed up with barely a quarter tank of fresh water and now the RV park had no water. After looking at some reviews we found that this park has water issues frequently. We should have been prepared and filled up our fresh water tank before pulling in. But, when you pay for a full hook up spot you kind of expect that water is included. Oh well, part of the life. So we went about 48 hours with no clean water. The park would turn on the water they had collected 2 hours a day so we were able to fill our fresh water tank in about 30 minutes. So by Wednesday we were able to cook and take showers. When something like this happens you also have to boil any water you are going to drink or cook with. So, this entire week we have been slowly boiling all of our water, cooling it, and filling our water bottles and Charlie's bowl. 

On Thursday morning the sun finally came out! And it was bright and hot! Completely different from the beginning of the week! It's amazing! so now we can really see and explore the park without being soaking wet or muddy the whole time. And when you look around it really is a beautiful, lush, green, and big park! They have a huge dog park by the pond with trees and grass not to mention all the fields Charlie can just run and run in! Although she much more prefers to eat the grass...something she inherited from Chibi. The pool area here is amazing! They have 2 large pools, 1 kiddie pool, and 1 hot tub. The pools are slightly heated but the hot tub is currently out of service. Because of the pandemic there is a reservation list for the pool and a max capacity limit. You better believe we already have our reservations in for today, Thursday! I really enjoy the pool area as they have landscaping, flowers, shrubs, and strawberries next to the pools! Its pretty cool so I really appreciate that! The park really feels more like a state park so I guess once you put the water fiasco, poopy weather at the beginning of the week, and all the pandemic rules aside you can really enjoy the area. And i need to learn to be more patient and understand. Yes, still learning and growing! Trying to not let my emotions get the best of me.

Nothing else too exciting has happened this week. We have worked, attempted to fix our washer/dryer combo in the RV (failed), worked out, found The Brown Tavern in town (amazing people watching!), and made a trip to Costco and Walmart.

Something I do want to share is a new 'project' I am working on. Myself and another full time solo RVer have really connected this past year. Her name is Niki and she just started her RV journey this week! Ahhhh So proud of her! Her Instagram handle is @connectingthruniki She is based out of Michigan and currently in the UP with her dog Lucy. She drives a Class C that is similar to mine and I love being a part of her journey. She found me on Instagram maybe a year ago, reached out, and we've been talking ever since! Although she frequently lets me know that I inspire her and helped her get into the lifestyle she has done the same for me! She motivates me to help others and put some more effort into talking about RV life, RV projects, using social media to reach out, etc. So we are slowly starting a project that we will probably call a 'Self Care' project. Well, that's how it is starting. 

Something that I am so thankful for when I started my journey was the time I took to journal, write blogs, and document. I can't put a price on it. Sometimes I just go back and read old post. It's amazing to see how my mindset, mood, or outlook has changed! I suggested that she do the same. Just too really remember things as they were in the moment, you know? So, we are challenging each other to make a video diary and attempt to post 1 video a week. We are just posting these vides to our YouTube pages for us to watch. If other people watch, that's great! If not, that's great as well! We have not really talked about the purpose or topics of the videos. Because they are starting out as diaries. So they will fluctuate. 

We both made our first videos this week and posted them! Mine is an introduction video and you can check it out on my channel! I will tell you my dream or stretch goal with this project. My goal is that our videos have helpful information that is raw and honest about RV life, being on the road (solo and partnered up), and changing your life for the better. I also hope to give my self confidence in my public speaking and videoing myself. I feel that I am a natural with speaking over the phone or 1 on 1. But, when I get the camera out and video tape myself it is not as my eyes. So still some practice. Anyways, what do you think? 

Here is the link to the video on YouTube which may be better quality. 

Cara Ostara YouTube

And just in case
